Alvord ISD Student Registration

New Students:

New student registration for the 2025-2026 school year will begin on July 1st

If your student is NEW to our district please CLICK HERE to view our NEW student enrollment instructions.  We are currently not accepting any new transfer students to Alvord ISD.  Only complete the NEW student online registration process if you currently live within the boundaries of Alvord ISD in Alvord, Texas.  The Parent Portal link to begin the online registration process is posted above.  You will need the following documents handy and already scanned/saved to your computer before you begin the registration process:

  • Student's original birth certificate
  • Student's social security card
  • Student's up to date immunization records
  • Parent's Driver's License
  • Proof of Residencya current utility bill (within the past 30 days) such as electric/gas or water, current lease agreement, property tax appraisal records, or notarized affidavit letter from the district.  POR must have one of the parent's names listed as well as the current property address which must be within AISD.

(If you are needing to register a new Pre-K or Kinder student and already have other children enrolled in Alvord ISD and have a Parent Portal account, simply log into your Parent Portal account and click on the My Account tab on the top right corner then click "Enroll a New Student")

  • We also offer My School Bucks (located on the home page under lunch menus) for your student's lunches.  You will need to create an account and request your student's ID from the campus secretaries or Registrar once you have completed the Online Registration process.
  • Once you have completed online registration the District Registrar will contact you to finalize enrollment, if you have not received a call or email within 1 business day of submitting registration please contact the Registrar.


If you have any questions during the registration process please call our District Registrar; Danielle Stovall at (940) 348-0192 or email at

Returning Students:

Returning student registration for 2025-2026 school year will be open from May 1st until May31st. 

Every student MUST provide proof of residency each year for registration.  You will be able to upload your proof of residency during the online registration process.  Acceptable forms of Proof of residency are: a current utility bill (within the past 30 days) such as electric/gas or water, current lease agreement, property tax appraisal records, or notarized affidavit letter from the district.  POR must have one of the parent's names listed as well as the current property address which must be within AISD.

You will need to log into your Parent Portal account on the Parent Portal website to register your current student. If you do not have a Parent Portal account you will need to create one and contact the District Registrar for your student's Portal ID.  Please note Parent Portal is different than the Parent Square app that you may have.  The registration portal will only be active during the returning enrollment period from May 1-31st.  When you log into your account during this time it will prompt you to proceed through the registration process.

(If you are needing to register a new Pre-K or Kinder student and already have other children enrolled in Alvord ISD and have a Parent Portal account, simply log into your Parent Portal account and click on the My Account tab on the top right corner then click "Enroll a New Student")