On September 26, 2022, the Alvord Independent School District's Board of Trustees approved a resolution to create the Alvord ISD Police Department (AISD PD). On January 19th, 2023, the AISD PD received its approval from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) to become a law enforcement agency. The AISD PD not only provides law enforcement services to the Alvord Independent School District, but it also oversees all aspects of safety and security within the district, including the district's Guardian Program and emergency management.
Alvord ISD Police Department
If you have an emergency, call 911
Current Hours: Monday-Friday 7AM to 5PM
AISD Police Non-Emergency Line: 940-427-4470
AISD Police E-Mail:
Internal Phone System: Ext. 4357 (H-E-L-P)
After hours, please call the Wise County Sheriff's Office for assistance (940-627-5971)
Alvord ISD takes the safety of our students, staff, and visitors very seriously. Each year the district takes the following proactive measures to ensure that safety is a top priority for everyone.
- All staff members receive campus safety procedures, active-shooter and emergency response training.
- Students receive safety procedures and situational awareness training.
- Staff members and all counselors receive mental health training
- Each campus has a Safe and Supportive School Program Team that conducts behavioral threat assessments
- Speak Up - students can report concerns about classmates or school safety by call or text at 940-233-8640 or by email at
- Random Intruder Audit conducted by the Texas School Safety Center
- The District Safety and Security Committee meets throughout the year to review the Emergency Operations Plan, Safety Audits, and make safety recommendations to the district.
- Campus Safety Drills: each campus conducts safety drills throughout the school year including perimeter security (secure) drills, lockdown drills, evacuation drills, shelter-in-place for hazardous materials drills, shelter for severe weather drills, fire evacuation drills, and hold (hallways cleared) drills.
- Weekly exterior door sweeps (checks) conducted at each campus.
The Alvord ISD Board of Trustees modified local board policy to authorize certain staff members to possess firearms on district property at the April 26, 2018, School Board Meeting. An extensive screening process is in place to authorize a staff member to be a Guardian. These volunteers must hold a Texas Concealed Handgun License (CHL) or the new Texas License to Carry a Handgun (LTC), must be determined to be in satisfactory psychological and emotional health by a licensed psychologist, must be recommended by a District approved firearms expert, and must receive board approval. These individuals complete an initial 3-day training that includes crisis and non-violent dispute resolution, emergency wound care, firearms safe storage and handling, firearms care and maintenance, and range training. Our guardians continue to receive rigorous training throughout each school year and are dedicated to protecting our students and staff, and visitors.
Each campus has a designated point of access for parents, guardians, and visitors. This location is primarily the main entrance near the office. Once in the vestibule the guardian/visitor will be let into the office by a staff member, checked in with the office staff and screened by the Ident-a-kid program that will yield a badge that is to be worn at all times while in the building. After this is complete the visitor will be assisted into the desired area of the building. Upon completion of the task, they will need to return to the office to scan your badge and check out before exiting the building
Alvord ISD Safety & Security Measures - Standard Response Protocol
Circumstances may occur at the school that require parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release. This process is called a Reunification and may be necessary due to weather, a power outage, hazmat or if a crisis occurs at the school. The Standard Reunification Method is a protocol that makes this process more predictable and less chaotic for all involved. Because a reunification is not a typical end of school day event, a reunification may occur at a different location than the school a student attends.
1. Watch your cell phone! Alvord ISD will send an alert to the cell phone we have listed on file if an emergency were to occur.
2. Go to the internet! Information will be posted on the Alvord ISD Website at or our the district's social media pages.
3. Do NOT go to the scene until you are instructed to do so.
You can be assured that accurate and timely information will be released to parents, the public, and all local media outlets by District officials. We ask that you please wait to receive important information by AISD before arriving at a school or scene of an emergency.
If at all possible your child will be at your child’s corresponding school, but if Alvord ISD determines that students and staff would be safer at another location due to an emergency, the campus will be evacuated. The District has identified alternative locations to be used in these events and will notify you of a specific pickup location.
To ensure the efficient reunification of students and parents, guardians, and/or authorized adults, the following procedures will be utilized:
- Students will only be released to an authorized parent, guardian, or adult who presents photo identification at the Sign-In Gate. It is important to remain calm and cooperative.
- Students will NOT be bussed from school unless it has been established that a parent, guardian, or an authorized adult is at home to receive the student.
- Students will NOT be allowed to leave with a non-custodial person (babysitter, relative, or neighbor), unless the school has prior written authorization on file. It is imperative that each student’s records are regularly updated.
- Parents, guardians, and/or authorized adults must present photo identification and sign the student out at the student Release area. This location is subject to change depending on the situation and parents should verify the location before proceeding to the school or to the expected release location.
- Remember that roads near the school may be closed except for emergency vehicles. If you normally drive to school, park away from the campus and walk in. If you live within walking distance, leave your car at home. Always follow the instructions of law enforcement.
- Realize that information posted on social media may not be completely accurate; therefore, please verify information via the official district website before attempting to locate your child.
- Please do not call the campus –including teachers, secretaries, principals, or other staff members, as the reunification process requires their full attention.
- Each teacher or staff member has been assigned specific roles to ensure the efficient reunification of students occurs as quickly as possible. In some instances, your child's teacher may have a much larger responsibility than monitoring his/her classroom. If this is the case, another authorized staff member will be assigned responsibility for the class.