Chief of Police's Corner

Thank you for taking a moment to learn about the Alvord ISD Police Department. 


As a Bulldog Family, my family and I are honored to be able to serve the district in this capacity and wanted to thank you for entrusting me with ‘protecting our future’.  I hope this section of the District's website will provide you with some insight and resources to ensure the safety and security of our district's most valuable asset, our children.  I just wanted to share a little about myself and the vision I have for this agency.


I started my law enforcement career in Southern California where I policed for over a decade before our family moved to Texas when I took a position with a law enforcement branch of the Federal Government for 7 years.  I was hired there as a supervisor, and as an upper management leader I oversaw a magnitude of areas, to include the Police Administration Section, Training Section, and Designated Marksman (Sniper) Team.  Upon my departure from the federal government to AISD, I was the acting Deputy Chief overseeing and managing all aspects of Police Services.  Throughout my career, I served in numerous capacities, such as patrol, field training officer, traffic, D.A.R.E., investigations, SWAT - sniper/observer, honor guard, and instructor.  The majority of my career has been specialized around tactics, weapons, and tactical medicine.  I currently hold a TCOLE Master Peace Officer License, TCOLE Instructor and Firearms Instructor Certificate, Master School Based Law Enforcement Certificate, am a member on the Wise County Sheriff's SWAT Team, as well as being an active K-9 Handler.


Prior to my career in law enforcement, I served our country in the United States Army.  I received an honorable discharge and separated from the military as a Sergeant.  I have the privilege of being a combat veteran and have had the honor of fighting for our country overseas.  



My vision is to proactively maintain the highest level of protection, peace, professionalism, transparency, and ethical standards to our community (students, parents, staff, and visitors) to ensure our district’s mission of preparing our students to be responsible citizens and contributing members of society is not impeded.  It is our goal to educate and defer students away from the criminal justice system, whenever possible and allowed by law.  In order to do this, the core values of our mission statement are:



We must realize that our honor and integrity as individuals is our most valuable asset and is to be protected at all cost.  Doing the right thing when no one is looking will always be our guide in dealing with the community and with each other.



We must recognize that our success is dependent upon the trust and confidence of the citizens of our community, and we shall always engage in behavior that is beyond reproach. We are committed to the highest standards of this profession and will strive to maintain transparency with our community to ensure we do not lose their trust and support.



We shall be aware of the extent and limitation of their authority in the enforcement of the law and shall endeavor to uphold the spirit of the law as opposed to merely enforcing the letter of the law.  We will ensure that all people are treated fairly and equally. 



We must strive to maintain our capability of ‘protecting our future’ by staying current and innovative.  By proactively sustaining a level of readiness to protect our community’s most important asset, the students, we understand we hold the fine line between good and evil.  We shall always strive to meet the community’s expectation to serve, protect, and defend our children to our fullest capability.


Thank you again for your valuable time.  I wanted to have the opportunity to provide an insight to our vision because I really feel that my duty is to not only protect our future, but also foster a relationship with you all as stakeholders, as well as be a resource for you. My goal is to be able to earn your trust and respect and to have open communications to ensure we not only meet your expectations, but also address any concerns that you may have.  


Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me any time.


-Tony K. Vo, Chief of Police


(940) 427-4470 or